« La Xavière aspires to a religious life that is flexible and intense; flexible enough to adapt to the new needs of the apostolate; intense enough so that Mary’s role does not give way to that of Martha and that apostolic activity is only the radiance of the inner flame. » – Claire Monestès, our Foundress.
Being contemplatives in action is central to our identity as Xaviere Sisters. So holding that tension of being both Martha and Mary means being attentive that our mission flows from a life of prayer and attachment to Jesus Christ.
Once a month, each of us consecrates a day – a desert day – to live in solitude with God.
Last weekend, I spent my desert day at a local monastery, and I would like to share with you how I lived it.
Usually, the week leading to my desert day, I take some time to prepare how I want to live it as our general norms (a document in addition to our Constitutions, that is more specific about our way of life) outlines a few specifications as described below:
Location – I usually spend my desert day outdoors but this time, since my month was quite intense, I needed some comfort. So I spent 2 days with the Sisterhood of St. John the Divine – a Benedictine Anglican Monastery in North York – where the sisters live in community and pray the liturgy of the hours together. These sisters have been part of our story almost since our foundation in Toronto and I am grateful to take the time, when I can, to pray with and be carried in prayer by these sisters.
Spending time with Scripture – We were around the feast of Christ the King. So my prayer was coloured by the Sunday Gospel – Matthew 25: 31-46 – unpacking and contemplating the way in which the Lord’s kingdom is brought forth and the call each of us receives to be part of this kingdom. I ask for the grace to not be deaf to His call. This time of year is special for us because our foundress fondly called us Daughters of the Kingdom (the reign of God).
Reviewing the month and preparing for my monthly meeting with my local superior – Being able to take this time away is gift – a time of respite in the heart of all the busyness that my mission has to offer me. Reviewing my month in this way, through the eyes of the Holy Spirit, allows me to live my life, my work, my relationships, all that I am as an offering to follow the Lord with an undivided heart. Taking this time to reflect also sheds light on the inconsistencies, at times, between my desire to be available and my attachments that can impede this desire from taking root.
Upon reflection, I prepare for my monthly meeting with my local superior.
Spiritual reading – I reread “L’Intranquillité” (Restlessness) by Marion Muller-Colard. It’s a small book inviting the reader to embrace this state so that, in her own words, welcoming disturbance, even anxiety, means fighting against the numbness that would cause us to pass by a treasure without seeing it. I found her words very timely for today where I can easily get overwhelmed by the state of affairs of the world and thus ‘check out.’ But my faith invites me to have the courage to remain in this restlessness and believe that God is still a part of all of this.
In addition to all of this, many of us also weave in some creativity as part of our day. I enjoy knitting and I had some yarn left over from a previous project and so I knitted a hat!
I came out of this desert day refreshed and inflamed with gratitude for God’s goodness and fidelity ready to continue to labor in his vineyard.
Sr. Sonal