Our way of life

Living together

We share a house. We put all we have in common : our incomes, our skills (special recipes, guitar playing…).

Every week, a community meeting is the opportunity for us to discuss something important to us, to go to a place together, to invite friends…

Every month, a community week-end helps us to review and ponder our apostolic life. We seek together how God is present to us and to others, and where he is calling us ahead.image00011

We eat together and prepare meals in turns. During meals and meetings we share our joys, hopes and sorrows.

Each one of us is in charge of a service for the community : bookkeeping, liturgy, grocery shopping,, … We enjoy discovering new areas together (going out of the city, going on retreats….)

Working as professionals

The Ignatian spirituality invites us to look for God in all things. We believe that God is at work every day in our lives and in our workplaces. Working is our way of serving Christ and others. We are engaged in a wide variety of organisations : private companies, non-profit organizations, public organisations, Church-related groups… Through work we share in a fundamental aspect of human life. Doing so, we share the achievements but also the difficulties and pains of every working life.

Personal prayer

Every morning each of us prays for 45 minutes with the Scriptures. This prayer of contemplation opens our heart to God’s presence throughout our day.

We pause in our busy day for a silent prayer of adoration. We try to attend mass every day.

At night, each of us reviews her day in God’s light through the examen prayer.

Every month we take a ‘desert day‘: one of silence, reflection on the month, and retreat from the busyness of life.

Every year we make an 8-day retreat in silence based on the spiritual exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola.

Community prayer

In the morning and in the evening, we gather to pray the Liturgy of the Hours, singing the hymn and the psalms. We listen together to God’s word.

We experience that this communal prayer sends us forth into our daily missions.


We receive with gratitude the opportunities to join others and engage in relationships and activities : getting involved in parish life, meeting our neighbours, joining a choir, a yoga class, volunteering…