Celebrating a community year on the move

Strolling in High Park during the last community week-end of the yeqr: Catherine, Nathalie, Claire, Laurence, Sonal, Blandine and Marie-Noëlle.

On June 15th– 16th, the seven of us were gathered for our last community week-end in Toronto before summertime. Together we gave thanks to God for all the blessings we received and experienced during this special year, such as:

  • welcoming a postulant and celebrating her entry to the novitiate
  • welcoming Nathalie during her sabbatical time here in Toronto and for a program in Chicago (and visiting her there over Victoria day week-end)
  • accompanying the closing of the community in Montreal in October and welcoming Claire
  • hosting Christine M., one of the four General Counsillor of the congregation, and travelling with her to Anishinabe Spiritual Center, near Manitoulin Islands, for a session reflecting on our ministry in Canada
  • redesigning some rooms in the house, moving the furniture around and creating a library
  • sharing about Laudato Si, the way we eat, how we are connected to the people in Toronto as regards to our mission…

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