On ‘Fratelli Tutti’, Pope Francis’ new encyclical

On October 3rd, Pope Francis released the third encyclical of his pontificate. Its title means “All brothers and sisters”. It is about fraternity and social friendship and calls us to embrace the path of universal fraternity in the midst of our broken world. We, Xaviere sisters, deeply resonate with the Pope’s vision. Encounter, dialogue, fraternity, care, hospitality, charity, reconciliation, mercy: all these key words from the encyclical find an echo in our charism and in our Constitutions.

Nathalie interviewed Prof. Rafael Luciani from Boston College on the main topics covered by the encyclical:

Rafael Luciani, a Venezuelan lay theologian, is currently Professor of Theology at Boston College School of Theology and Ministry. He is also an expert theologian for CELAM (Latin American Episcopal Conference) and CLAR (Conference of Religious of Latin America), and is a specialist of the thought and theology of Pope Francis. He has published « Pope Francis and the Theology of the People », Orbis Books NY (2017).

To learn more about Fratelli Tutti, another resource we liked: https://www.americamagazine.org/faith/2020/10/04/video-five-takeaways-fratelli-tutti

The Good Samaritan
detail from a stain glass window – Chartres Cathedral (France)

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