Each morning you wake us to hear to listen like a disciple: the liturgy of hours in my life as a Xaviere sister

Each morning you wake us to hear to listen like a disciple… These words from a hymn by the Weston Priory Benedictine brothers give me a sense of the power of the liturgy of hours in song every morning over these 40 years in religious life.

To start the day by singing and praising the Lord is very life-giving and also community-building.

Our foundress Claire Monestès was very keen on Benedictine liturgy. In our formation and in community life, we spend some time in practice, chanting psalms and learning new hymns. Some of us have composed some antiphons and songs.

Praising the Lord is a way to enter the Mystery of God whom no words can describe. We still babble, stammer, stutter….  The way to be present even if we are not fully awake some days, even if our voices are not in tune… It makes us stand together in front of God and reminds us that we are here for Him and it is He who is the center of our life.

Even though I can’t read music, I can memorize and during the day some refrains come to my mind and help me for the day.

The simplicity of our chapel with icons, candles, and flowers – depending on the liturgical cycle – reminds us that creation is part of God’s revelation as well and is a way to praise the Lord.

Laus Tibi Christe!

Sr. Marie-Noelle

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