There is magic in crêpes…

I like to make crêpes at least three times a year and especially in this season. On February 2, I like to make crêpes as part of the tradition of Candlemas. A few days later on Shrove Tuesday and mid-Lent which falls on Thursday March 7 this year.

It brings back good memories from my childhood because it was special. We lived in a small apartment in Paris and my mom didn’t like the smell of the crêpes. So
when she made them, this was such a treat!

Photo Credit: The Dale

In each community where I have lived since I becoming a Xaviere Sister, it so happened that very often I was able to invite kids to make crêpes with me. It was always fun. To mix the flour, eggs and milk, and most of all to cook the dough on a special frying pan and try to turn over it. It is a little challenging and each crêpe is different, they cook very fast and each one can be had with different fixings – savoury or sweet.

Although there is a religious back ground Candlemas, the end of long winter days and the round shape of the crêpe can be a reminder of the sun as Christ is our Sun, this feast can be celebrated by all and is a moment of universal fraternity that brings together old and young.
Every year I make some crêpes, share them with friends and they enjoyed!
So yes, there is magic in crêpes and the art of making crêpes together!
Happy Shrove Tuesday as we get ready for the Lenten season.

Photo Credit: The Dale

Sr. Marie-Noelle

3 réflexions au sujet de “There is magic in crêpes…”

  1. Magnifique !, la Lumière ! La fête!!
    Le soleil .., Entrée en Carême dans la joie du partage et de l’offrande!

  2. I love this – and I love crepes! Thank you Sr Marie-Noelle for sharing. My husband is good at making crepes. I’ll ask him to make them for dinner during Lent. It’ll be a good way to bring my family together at the table during Lent.

  3. heureuse Marie-Noelle, d’avoir de tes nouvelles, à travers cette tradition du 2 Février, de la joie partagée…peu importe qu’il y ait ou non un fond religieux…la joie, la saveur, faire ensemble avec les enfants sont déjà des expériences de vie….Bises.

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