March 22, 2014 was World Water Day. We celebrated that day in different ways here in Toronto, including by attending a workshop at Regis College in the Windows on Theology – Continuous Learning program. The workshop was named « Living Waters: Reflecting on the Source and Summit of Life ». There were great talks about the state of the Oceans and what it means for life on our planet; about eco-justice and how eco-justice relates to the social teachings of the Church; and about the need to find a language of the heart, a language of the Spirit, to reach the confluence of science, spirituality and ecology. The day ended with the celebration of the Sunday mass: in this the third Sunday of Lent, we were given the story of the people of Israel journeying through the desert and receiving water from rock, as well as gospel story of the woman of Samaria, who goes to the well to draw water, and finds Jesus -or rather, is found by Jesus. Attached to this post is the reflection that I prepared for that celebration. Many blessings on your lenten journey! Gabrielle
Reflection for the 3rd Sunday of Lent – March 22, 2014 – World Water Day