This poem was written while staying at Weston Priory, Vermont, USA
during the Summer of 2015
are you an arrow?
planted in the ground,
directed towards the sky?

Your bar reaches from
East to West.
You look simple
yet when I look at you
I feel that you reach out
to the whole world.
You look simple
yet my eyes upon you,
and I feel that you tell a story
that all can understand
a story that touches the life
of all.
I notice the red dots
on your branches.
North and South, East and West,
Rachel wailing,
people wounded,
creation spoiled
through carelessness,

Your Cross is in my life
my body shaped by the Cross,
my heart opened up by the Cross.
Your Cross calls out to me
o Lord:
“What will you do?
Will you live and love
to restore creation,
to restore creativity,
wherever you are,
wherever it is shattered?”
To this I say yes my Lord, yes.
This is beatiful Sister. Thanks for sharing. Long time I didn’t visit the site. I saw you post once in a while. 🙂