The community has known big changes in the past two years and, as many of you have certainly experienced, it is very hard to communicate while you are in upheavals. So here we are, with a new energy and a great desire to search how to listen to the prompting of the Spirit in this big city of Toronto. And for us, listening to the Spirit happens through dialogue… That’s why we are very excited to restart this website! So you can maybe discover what gifts God has in store for you through our presence… and us through you!
Some of the changes that took place in the past months:

The General Chapter of the Congregation was held in July 2017, six years after the previous one. A new General Superior was elected: Christine Danel, then 50 years old, who is a doctor. And Laurence, from the community of Toronto, was elected as one of her 4 General Councillors!
It’s a part time job and requires availability, whether to discern specific questions on the go by email or by Skype or for week-long Council meetings in Paris four times a year. Quite a change for Laurence and for the community here!
The community of Montreal was closed in 2018, after 21 years of Xaviere presence.

On October 13, 2018, an emotional celebration took place in Notre-Dame-des-Neiges, our parish during our time in Montreal. We said goodbye and the commissioning we received from all who were gathered was led by Mgr Alain Faubert, Auxiliary Bishop of Montreal. Several Xaviere Sisters now living in Toronto spent several years in Montreal in the past.
« Every branch that is in me and already bears fruit, my Father will prune it » (John 15)

- In September, Sonal entered the postulancy in the community.
- In November, Nathalie arrived for a sabbatical time after ten years working at the France Bishops Conference and after the Synod on Youth in Rome in October.
- And Claire arrived from Montreal, after her final vows during the summer and the closing of Montreal community.
Heureux temps pascal à vous toutes.
Le printemps semble arrivé pour de vrai: youppi!