Starting a new community year

On Labor Day week-end was the first monthly community week-end. Time for us to acknowledge our new configuration for the year with Laurence, Marie-Noëlle, Claire and Blandine in Toronto, and Nathalie in Paris and later in Boston.

To do so, we had (among other things):

  • A « Grace Night » to share about how God granted each of us personally his love and his graces throughout the summertime
  • The « Time that God is giving us« : a look on the calendar of the year written on huge post-it on the wall to acknowledge our reality incarnated in time and choose realistically what we feel called to live together: invitations, sharing…
  • A discernment on Christmas time including a 3-day recollection in a monastery and the visit of a General Councillor, led with Nathalie through Skype: thanks to the modern communication channels!
  • And a visit to the Exhibition on Saturday evening to feel what so many Torontonians are experiencing every year! What a discovery for two of us!

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