In solidarity with the Climate strikers

On Friday September 27, the climate strike wave hit Toronto. To express our solidarity with this global movement, Sr. Laurence joined the thousands who gathered in front of the Ontario legislature at Queen’s Park and marched afterwards in the streets of Toronto. More images of the event in Toronto can be seen here.

“I was impressed by the number of children, teenagers and young adults participating. You could really feel the rising mobilisation of the younger generations asking current leaders to take effective measures to curb the alarming progress of climate change.”

Climate change is a powerful reminder of the interconnectedness that Pope Francis highlighted in Laudato Si’. We are connected to all living beings and with the Earth itself, currently suffering and crying under all sorts of abuses. The wounds we inflict on disappearing species, on others and on the Earth, are wounds we are inflicting on ourselves and on younger generations down the road. Will we wake up in time?

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