Gift from Fr Dan, Pastor of our parish, St Joan of Arc
at mass on Dec 3rd, 2018
We are celebrating today our patron saint, whose dedication to the mission of Christ inspired Claire Monestes, foundress of the Xaviere Sisters.
« To work for the glory of God is not an empty phrase. It implies putting all our sweat and blood and life’s breathe. »
Let’s follow them in their passion for Christ to be discovered in the midst of the world!
And now this breeze that blows me from China and further away, it is you, my God, who come to me.
Fabrice HADJADJ, what good can it do to gain the whole world?
For I know now. I know, and people who will talk a lot won’t know.
They will believe that I was going to gain the world when you were going to gain my soul.
They will believe that I was going to bring Christ to the Chinese when it was you, you first of all, who were carrying him to me through them.
And it was up to me to enter first through my neighbor’s door, so that we could go out together through the door of God, through your door.