« Reaching to the Sources of Joy », our centennial gathering in Lourdes (France)

Candlelight Procession in the Sanctuary of Lourdes (France)

From July 31st on the feast of St Ignatius Loyola to August 2nd, 2021, the Xaviere Sisters gathered in Lourdes (France) for a pilgrimage with families, associates and friends – a humble but happy gathering of 400.

The theme for our pilgrimage was « Reaching to the Sources of Joy ». Each day explored an aspect of this reach:

  • Day 1: Turned towards Joy, Overcoming Difficulties
  • Day 2: Engaged in Dialogue, Sharing the Joy
  • Day 3: Sent to Live and Announce the Joy of the Gospel

Watch the video for highlights!

Happy Birthday to the Xaviere Sisters! A « Covid-friendly » birthday cake!

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