Sr. Sonal’s First Profession and off to Toronto!

We had the joy to celebrate Sr. Sonal’s first vows in our ‘family home’ La Pourraque, in the south of France on August 15th. She pronounced her first vows with Sr. Grâce with whom she spent the last two years as a novice.

The vows ceremony took place during the Mass celebrated by Archbishop François Fonlupt, from the diocese of Avignon. There were about 60 Xaviere sisters present – many from our communities in Africa and of course, our community was present too!

During the vow ceremony, each candidate shares some aspects of her faith journey. Here is a translated extract from Sr. Sonal’s testimony:

“God is good, all the time!” His faithfulness is not limited. By this lived experience I desire to concretely be available to Him by the vows of chastity, of poverty, and of obedience. I desire to be ready and available to rejoice with Christ, to suffer with Him, to work with Him in His Kingdom forever. La Xavière gives me the means to be available to my Lord and for this I am grateful. « It is to love that we are created,” says Claire Monestès. By the grace of God, here I am ready to cast off, ready to be sent to love like Him.

At the end of the Mass, Sr. Christine Danel, our Superior General, sent Sr. Sonal to Toronto and Sr. Grâce to Abidjan in Ivory Coast.

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